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Image by Gregory DALLEAU

New Poetry: The Settlers Ask Where are you from?

Read Christian Hanz Lozada's poem 'The Settlers Ask Where are you from?'. First published with The Wild Umbrella

Settlers hp.png
Image by Patrick Tomasso

I don’t necessarily believe the “food is love” platitude. Food – its being forced on one or the denial of food – seems to me sometimes like a form of controlling another.

We talked with flash fiction writer Antoinette Carone recently about her relationship to writing, and how she crafted the delicious story. Emily Linehan discusses with Carone the inspiration behind 'Remembering Parma' , and finds out more about her writing process. Read now! 

Poetry Readings

Dancing with you at Stephansplatz at 1 in the morningread by poet Eleanor Keisman
00:00 / 03:12
In the Garden of Girlhoodread by poet Kait Quinn
00:00 / 02:22
'On Discovering Frank O'Hara', a poemread by poet Emily Cullen
00:00 / 01:22
'Went the Flame Once in My Heart', a poemread by poet Thomas Phalen
00:00 / 01:21
'28.6', a poemread by poet Kevin MacAlan
00:00 / 01:31
'Clear-Sighted', a poemread by poet Susan Shea
00:00 / 00:47

The Umbrella Opens

October 2023

November – December 2023

January/February 2024

Spring – Winter 2024

The Wild Umbrella comes to life. We here at the journal have picked some of our own work to showcase as a part of our Editor's Issue, and our FundRazr – for readers to help us pay our bills and our writers! – goes live.

Our submissions window will open, for fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. We take submissions through Duosuma. Our editors will take some time to review all the work and make decisions about what we choose to publish. 

Just after the start of the year, we published our first contributor work online on the Umbrella's website and social media platforms. 

Our submissions window is open for the whole month of May, and we plan to publish a print issue later in 2024. Those who helped us fund the Umbrella through FundRazr will get a copy of the print issue shipped to them when it's ready.

More About Us

The Wild Umbrella is an ambitious new journal, eager to publish compelling prose and poetry from Ireland and the world. We'll add to an abundant scene of Irish journals and magazines by seeking out fresh and interesting works of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction.


We'll start by publishing work digitally – here on our website and our social media – with our goal being to evolve to be a print and digital outlet in 2024. It's free to submit writing to us, and we also pay our contributors. If you like great writing, and want to support the next generation of influential writers, donate to us! As a not-for-profit outlet, every donation goes into the Umbrella's writer fund, from which we pay our contributors.

Our Editorial Team

Our staff comes with years of experience in writing and editing, and we'll take good care to publish fresh and interesting work. We respond to all submissions within 90 days and we'll promote your work enthusiastically if we choose to publish it.

We're Listed On:

Logo of Chill Subs submission directory
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