The unhappy shores of morning. &Â
then my country, a raging tide.Â
                     The sun is such a beauty when you can look it in the eyes.Â
       The bruises are just as bearable as old age.  Â
    I hold light the way a sponge holds water.
            Yet, I still open a door & seek first, a lantern.      Uh!Â
Men do not always fall, you know, father would say,
                                             they falter like sea waves. Which is to say,Â
if all is well, then all is ephemeral.    & that's my conviction,                                                                      Â
                                      though. On my blue days, I soften my heart with musicÂ
               light as cotton wool.    Twenty–three &
I remember every friend with a different scar.Â
            At the seabed of life,Â
                                   my right lung is unremembering fresh air.                                                   Â
& I want to be lobed into three compartments,Â
                                                         like the right lung, too. One for faith. Â
One for hope.
                    The other for survival.Â
                     Because, everyone wants to stay afloat,                                                        Â
                                                                                         when the truthÂ
is that we must learn to breathe underwater.        Learn
                     to bend & break & still not disappear.
                 Metaphor me, beauty.Â
                                     Metaphor me, brittle.Â
Look, when broken, a beautiful
                                              thing becomes a myriad of beautiful things.Â
                     Look, being broken
                                                           again  &Â
       is immunity to breaking.
& as the sun fades,Â
                               I lean onto the surrealism      of moonlight.Â
I touch my scars Â
                                 & exhale.Â
Gospel Chinedu
Gospel Chinedu is a Nigerian poet from the Igbo descent. He is a 2021 Starlit Award Winner, 1st Runner Up for the Blurred Genre Contest (Invisible City Lit), 2023, Honorable Mention in the Stephen A. Dibiase Poetry Prize, 2023.