I am not easily impressed.
I am attracted to people with rollercoasters
for cars. I am, every minute of the day
spreading another rumor about God.
Truth does not wait for me like a child,
I make it true. Very quickly,
very honestly,
I buckle myself into you and I hold
onto the safety bar,
onto the wind as it smacks
my cheek like a father,
like the love of our Lord. I gift
you my empty shoes,
I shove them on. You will wear them.
Maria Giesbrecht
Maria Giesbrecht is a poet based in Guelph, Ontario. Her work has previously been published in Contemporary Verse 2, Talon Review, samfiftyfour, Gyroscope, and elsewhere and is forthcoming in Canadian Literature and Queen's Quarterly. She hosts the virtual writing table, Gather, and can be found at www.mariagiesbrecht.com or @theguelphpoet on Instagram.