Abraham had Isaac, Isaac had Jacob,
Jacob was the father of Josiah, Josiah had Michael and his brothers,
Michael had Lucas (Janie was the
mother, she painted watercolors
in the barn). Lucas had Matthew who
had Marcus (Elizabeth was the mother,
she sold a few knitted scarves at a
market once). Marcus had Daniel
whose brother was David. David had James who became governor
(Ruth organized theater workshops
for children in their garage). James
had Adam (Maggie kept journals of poetry). Adam was the father of
three boys and a girl. Eric had John
who had William (Kate molded clay
into small birds). William was the
father of Robert who had Finn - who
had Thomas who had Jameson - and
Louise, who against the tide made art.
Grant Burkhardt
Grant is a poet and writer with work featured in or forthcoming in the Great Lakes Review, Nightingale & Sparrow, Icarus, and others. His poem - 'The Thing About People Knowing You Cook' - is a 2023 Sundress Publications 'Best of the Net' nominee. He’s also one of the Umbrella's poetry editors and non-fiction editors, and he was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.